Wednesday, June 20, 2012

PreAP Independent Reading Assignment

Ms. Poulter
PreAP Independent Reading Assignment


Read 4 novels independently.
Complete the appropriate Novel Study Sheet for each novel and turn in by the due date.
·         These must be completed at home.
·         These may be turned in early.
·         You should read daily. You should read in HOMEROOM.  
·         Two of the books must have either won an award or appeared on the AP recommended reading list

On each test, the student will be expected to know (at least) the following items and be able to explain them in writing*:
1. Title & Author
2. Characters: Protagonist, Antagonist, Secondary or minor characters.
3. Elements of a good plot:
a. Exposition
b. Rising Action (5 significant events)
c. Climax
d. Falling Action (3 significant events)
e. Resolution
4. Conflicts
a. Internal (inside)
b. External (outside)
5. A short summary of the entire plot (beginning, middle and end)
6. A short answer summary of the conflicts
7. A brief review of the book (including why or why not the student is recommending the book)

*Other items may also show up on certain tests. These may include questions related to: tone, mood, POV, theme, genre, comparisons and contrasts.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

"If you don’t have time to read, you don’t have the time (or the tools) to write. Simple as that.” – Stephen King