Test Tips

Tips for Passage-Based Reading Questions (from The Official SAT study guide)

1.  Keep in mind that the answers come from the passage.  Every answer can be found or directly inferred from the passage.  READ CAREFULLY.

2.  Remember, every word counts. Details are mentioned to give you an understanding of what the author wants you to feel or think.

3.  Read the questions and answer carefully.
     1.  Think about what the question is asking 
     2.  Look back at the passage for information that will help you with the question
     3.  Think again about how you can use the information to answer the question correctly

4.  Don't forget that an answer choice can be both true AND wrong.  The correct choice is the one that BEST answers the question, not any choice that makes a true statement.

5.  Make sure the reading passage supports your answer.  There should always be information and details in the passage that provide support for your answer.  Even with the inference, tone and attitude questions -- the ones in which you have to read between the lines -- you can find evidence in the passage to support the best choice.

6.  Try eliminating choices.  Compare each choice to the passage and you'll find that some choices can be eliminated as definitely wrong.  Then it should be easier to choose the correct answer from the remaining choices.

7.  Double-check the other choices.  When you have made your choice, quickly read the other choices again to make sure there isn't a BETTER answer.

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